Baltic Analog Lab is an artists collective and film lab based in Riga, Latvia. Uniting filmmakers, researchers and photographers interested in analog film and photography, Baltic Analog Lab aims to produce, teach and inspire an audience by providing a space for creation, learning and sharing.
Crater-Lab is an artist-run film lab dedicated to the creation / production / experimentation and screening of works, self-managed by artists and filmmakers. Its objective is to promote the production of an artisan cinema in film support, focused on generating the material bases to create and experiment in all its processes (filming, developing, copying, animation, plastic intervention, projection, etc).
LaborBerlin e.V is a nonprofit, self-organized film collective open to anyone interested in analogue film practice with an experimental and DIY approach. The Lab is a meeting point of exchange and engagement with ideas and experiences around filmic creation. Every member, once introduced to the lab, can learn how to use its facilities to pursue personal projects autonomously. In addition, LaborBerlin e.V. independently or in collaboration with other artist-run collectives or institutions organizes screenings and holds workshops teaching various technical aspects of analogue film production.
LAIA - TORRE is a connection between two sister projects. Laia is a filmakers co-op structure working in the fields of cinematographic and artistic production, as well as all free forms of critical thought. It emerges in the city of Porto and the activities that we hold include film production and directing, film projections and training, artistic residencies and the support of complementary productions.
Mire is an association dedicated to experimental cinema and moving images, founded in 1993 and based in Nantes, France. We envision cinema in an expanded dimension – with a predilection for analog – yet interacting with other fields and practices. Mire holds projections and multidisciplinary events...
WORM.Filmwerkplaats (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) is an artist-run workspace dedicated to motion picture film as an artistic, expressive medium. It's geared towards filmmakers and artists interested in film not purely as a storage medium for their ideas, visuals and soundtrack, but as a material that actively shapes and distorts these thoughts, images and sounds.